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"Helter Skelter" was one of the fiercest and most brutal rockers in the Beatles' catalog and indeed one of fiercest and most brutal rockers done by anyone. The blues-rock-inflected, ominous melody and words of the song were imposing enough on their own, but it was the unique textures the Beatles devised via their studio arrangement that truly made it into an extraordinary, even apocalyptic song. Composer Paul McCartney has said that the track was written and recorded with the aim of making the noisiest, dirtiest hard rock song possible. While in general this was not an area the Beatles explored often, "Helter Skelter" can hold its own in this respect with the heaviest outings by the heaviest groups of the era, such as Jimi Hendrix and the Who.
Зденко Петровски, 01.11.2006 11:03:00
The opening metallic staccato riff immediately sets a gripping, unsettling tone, as does the devil's-den descending guitar riff and one of McCartney's all-time rowdiest vocals. The menace is maintained by ghostly background harmonies and devastating growling guitar riffs. The words are mainly a pretext for something to hang the evil sound around, "Helter Skelter" being the British term for a children's spiral slide, although that term was virtually unknown in the United States. The song certainly does re-create the sensation of sliding down into the depths in a whirlwind of confusion, and as it does use some imagery of love and women as well, it's possible that it was also meant to reflect the dangerous, delirious excitement of succumbing to passion. As is by now well-known, Charles Manson
Зденко Петровски, 01.11.2006 11:04:00
(Charles Milles Manson (born November 12, 1934) is an American convict and career criminal, most famous for his actions in the late 1960s. He has spent most of his adult life in prison, initially for offenses such as car theft, forgery and credit card fraud. He also worked some time as a pimp. In the late 1960s, he became the leader of a group known as "The Family", and masterminded several brutal murders, most notoriously that of movie actress Sharon Tate (wife of movie director Roman Polanski), who was eight and a half months pregnant at the time)didn't see it that way, (mis)interpreting the song as a harbinger of an imminent Armageddon (as he did for much of The White Album)..
Зденко Петровски, 01.11.2006 11:05:00
Super e fotografijata.
Mi se dopaga kompozicijata.
Odlicno svetlo.
Filip Stojkovski, 01.11.2006 12:35:00
moj favorit
stole angelov, 01.11.2006 15:37:00
Ova vekje ednash go ocenuvav ... si ja podobril scenata.5ka
Панче Александар, 01.11.2006 17:05:00
Мислам дека а бодував еднаш фотографијава
Боби Кузманоски, 01.11.2006 17:30:00
eni meni seni!
Милена Станишлевиќ, 01.11.2006 18:00:00
Moj favorit:)
Андријана Костова, 01.11.2006 21:46:00
Heh, tvoe pole na ekspertiza bi rekol :)
Mire Slavejkov, 07.11.2006 16:03:00