Внесени коментари:
Super atmosfera......kje treba da se dogovorime kade da gi chekame 21/23 XII 2012...)....pozdrav....!
Igor Spiroski, 26.06.2007 00:48:00
hmmm,neznam mozebi kaj Palenke,ama znam deka definitivno do togas moram da iam mark...POZDRAV
Vladimir Lukovic, 26.06.2007 00:56:00
Ubavo, bravos
Александар Вржалски, 26.06.2007 00:59:00
a sto ima na 23.12.2012???
Vladimir Lukovic, 26.06.2007 01:08:00
pa neli znaes?????
Александар Вржалски, 26.06.2007 01:09:00
znam za 21.
Vladimir Lukovic, 26.06.2007 01:11:00
ok.sfativ :DD za istata rabota zborime
Vladimir Lukovic, 26.06.2007 01:12:00
zavrsuva kalendarot na Maite, t.e nekou kako Zacharia Stichin pretpostavuvaat deka planetata X kje bide blisku do nasata orbita i kje ima close encounters so Anunaki.....i nikoj ne znae sto kje se sluchi ponatamu..))....malku da razvieme fantastika..)...!
Igor Spiroski, 26.06.2007 01:12:00
vedrana ikalovic, 26.06.2007 01:12:00
datumot e malku sporen....21vi ili 23ti...taka da zatoa gi ostaviv dvete opcii....!
Igor Spiroski, 26.06.2007 01:13:00
da togas zavrsuva kalendarot na maite i spored mene mislam deka ke se sluci t.n.Magnetic Field shift ili promena na magnetnite polinja na Zemjata koi i porano vo minatoto se menuvale.
Vladimir Lukovic, 26.06.2007 01:45:00
Димитар Атанасов, 26.06.2007 04:18:00
одлична фотка
Dragica Nikolovska, 26.06.2007 09:58:00
The Mayan civil year, the haab consisted of 18 "months" (uinals), of 20 days each, and 5 extra days (which were believed to be unlucky ones), for the same total of 365 days as the Egyptian year. The Maya knew that the tropical year was closer to 365¼ days, but they chose to keep a constant number of days in each year, and shunned intercalary days (just like the ancient Egyptians).

The Mayan sacred year, the tzolkin, was a cycle of 260 days (the combination of a regular cycle of 13 numbers and of a regular cycle of 20 different signs).

When both calendars are used concurrently, a day is uniquely identified within any period of 18980 days known as a Mayan Calendar Round (18980 is the lowest common multiple of 365 and 260; it's equal to 52 haabs or 73 tzolkins).

The synodic period of Venus is about 583.9214 days. The Maya estimated it to be 584 days, which happens to be 8/5 of their haab of 365 days. Therefore, twice the above Calendar Round is a multiple of the Mayan value of the Venus period. This period of 37960 days is the Mayan Venus Round, which is equal to 104 haabs, or 146 tzolkins, or [roughly] 65 synodic periods of Venus.
The Long Count

In addition to the above, the Maya used a so-called Long Count to keep track of their historical events. This was simply the number of days elapsed since the Mayan mythical creation of the World, using the following 5 units:

* A baktun is 144000 days (20 katuns).
* A katun is 72000 days (20 tuns).
* A tun is 360 days (18 uinals).
* A uinal is 20 days (20 kins).
* A kin is one day.

Each Mayan vigesimal "digit" could represent a number from 0 to 19, and a Long Count was expressed as a string of 5 such digits, usually transliterated as 5 numbers separated by dots ( baktuns.katuns.tuns.uinals.kins ).

It has been argued that the Maya considered a "Great Cycle" to be 13 baktuns, or 1872000 days (exactly 7200 tzolkins, or over 5125 tropical years). 13 baktuns after its mythical beginning, the Mayan World comes to an end of sorts
Боби Кузманоски, 26.06.2007 11:10:00
И она најинтересното :)
Што ќе се случи после 21.12.2012

The Mayan tradition would simply reset the long count to when it reaches, on December 21, 2012 CE.
Боби Кузманоски, 26.06.2007 11:11:00
Појаснување на претходниот коментар и нулите со точки измеѓу.

Денес сме 26.06.2007, што според календарот на маите би изгледало вака
или 12 baktuns, 19 k'atuns, 14 tuns, 7 winals и 15 k'ins
Боби Кузманоски, 26.06.2007 11:27:00
Зденко Петровски, 27.06.2007 09:05:00
ivan iliev, 01.07.2007 15:04:00