Внесени коментари:
Влатко Богдановски, 20.10.2005 09:13:00
Nice! I dont see the SUN! Another light please!
Питер Симеонов, 20.10.2005 10:02:00
Dear Peter, I am sorry you misunderstood the message of the photo. It shows that there is no sun. Unfortunately, the villages are slowly disappearing, people leaving, and there is no bright future for them. That is what I wanted to show with this photo
Милутин Милошевић, 20.10.2005 10:41:00
Nice idea.
Filip Stojkovski, 20.10.2005 18:43:00
Зденко Петровски, 20.10.2005 20:28:00
Steta nebo unistilo sajnu fotografiju,veoma mi se dopada
Boban Arsic, 21.10.2005 00:18:00